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Are you looking for dive buddies? You've come to the right place!

This space here is for you to let others know what kind of diving you want to do and when.

We invite you to "Place an Ad".  It's simple! And it's FREE!


Drop us a line with the basics about what your diving interests are, such as when, where, skill level, and so on.  You can place an ad that is in general looking for divers with common diving interests to your own, or an ad for specific dive dates and activities.

We'll share your info (but not too much info) here, like this:

 Ad # 001 (Example) ~ Bob is looking for an Open Water Advanced dive buddy to head to Gilboa Quarry on 8/31/24.

Ad #02 (Example) ~ Sandy, a Technical Diver, is looking for divers interested in diving Mackinac Shipwrecks the summer of 2025.


You get the idea.  It's a space to network with other people with common interests.

Place an ad, and/or respond to an ad by emailing us at shop@diveandglideinc.com.  We'll vet "advertisers" and "respondees" and put you in contact with each other.  To update or change your ad, or remove your ad, simply email us.

To continue to increase your dive buddy count, we encourage you to attend our Mid-Michigan Dive Adventures Club meetings and follow us on Facebook at Dive & Glide Scuba, and Mid-Michigan Dive Adventure Club.

